Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Life after exam

Life is so annoying. Sometime it gets hard and sometimes, it is way to easy. Sometimes I plunge into rock bottom and sometimes I am flying high.
Just a few days ago, I was thriving not to fall asleep. It was hard, trying not to blink and put pressure on the books, without the gross idea of what I am about to read. It was reading like a newspaper, you remember the headline only. Shit, I read that topic but WTF! Does it have details as well?
Such incidence are regular in time of stress. I was in stress, a big chunk of stress. I am bad at remembering. I cant mug things up.Its a trait. I try to understand and I try to relate it. Not all people do that. Some people can mug up entire topic and remember the whole line in an hour but cant remember the topic they were taught 2 months ago. I am more of like I cant remember and cram all things in an hour but I sure as hell can manage to stumble some words for topic taught and learned by me 2 months back.
Anyway, I had plans to come home and sleep. Sleep all night. Till the sun reaches the zenith. I had so much plans. All the stress of 72 hour, with little amount of rest and tremendous amount of stress in between those rest. My eyes were burning the day before exam finished. I was craving to sleep. And here I am, the exams are over but I am writing this piece of words jumbled and shuffled to from a paragraph and more of like an essay. Tell you what, I couldn't sleep. All the stress is gone. My back hurts like hell but I can manage to stay. I have managed to stay. Its hard. Its really hard. Wish I had the same amount of stress so that I can manage to push away my insomniac habit and sleep.
I had made huge amount of plans and effort to push it into reality. Turns out, only one thing has happened from that list, running this blog with 5 posts per week.
I cant sleep, I cant roam around the city and definitely I cant go where I want to go. Sufficiently enough to say, it gets boring. extra bit of sugar cubes makes tea bitter, so extra holidays and extra period of doing nothing is going to harm. DEFINITELY.


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